How we use Bedrock Learning at Coston Primary



Coston Primary School

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School size


Bedrock users


Free School Meals



High EAL Population

Bedrock partner since

February 2021

Ofstead rating


Implementing Bedrock

At Coston Primary, Bedrock is conducted via weekly, in class lessons and 2 Bedrock lessons as homework for year 3 to year 6 learners. Teachers receive weekly progress reports for each class and the Bedrock lead teacher receives reports on all learners, including progress for different populations such as SEND and EAL learners.

Bedrock's impact

Learners love to see their own progress on Bedrock. Bedrock prepares learners for their SATs, exposing them to similar styles of questions as they will see in their year 6 SATs and the progress that learners make when using Bedrock is clear to see.

Some of the challenges we've had with literacy at our school are that we've had lots of children coming in from other countries with English as an additional language. That is a big challenge and Bedrock has really been helping.

Chris Bellis

Deputy Head at Coston Primary

Coston Primary School have been partnered with Bedrock for over two years. Their results have significantly improved during that time, including SATs levels. We recently visited the school to see how their teaching team are using Bedrock in and out of the classroom to empower their literacy strategies.

Every month we give out certificates to the classes and to individual students...and their names are recorded in our newsletter so it's all very very exciting.

Lynn Porter

Class 4 Teacher at Coston Primary

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